Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Will History Repeat Itself

In 1972, Gerald Ford was not someone who looked like he would be the next President of the United States. Then Spiro Agnew was forced to resign as Vice President and President Nixon nominated Ford who was approved by the congress. As everyone knows, when Nixon resigned, Ford became president. Now, it appears possible that health concerns might force


Vice President Cheney to consider resigning or the stress of the office could "resign" for him.

Should that happen, who would Bush nominate for the office of Vice President? At least two articles that I have read say Condi Rice. I have thought that the one thing standing between "W" and impeachment is the fact that Dick Cheney would become president. If he steps down or succombs to his health problems, could Condi Rice be the next Gerald Ford? It would be a real touch of irony if the first President of the United States from the State of Alabama was a black woman.

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