I just watched an interview of Rocky Anderson, Mayor of Salt Lake City, on a news network. I won't say which network because they seem to have figured out a way to make it impossible to link to their videos so I won't give them any advertising. I will say that Wolf Blitzer conducted the interview so I know you know where to go look.
Mr Anderson, who is an outspoken critic of President Bush, made a call for Mr. Bush's impeachment at a antiwar rally broadcast on C-span last Saturday. Wolf started out his interview of Mr. Anderson by reading him what the constitution says about impeachment. Then he asked Anderson what he thought Bush had done that justified impeachment based on that criteria. To me it seemed like asking which hair around a dog's ass is the longest? Who cares, it all has dog crap on it. Mr. Anderson settled on the use of the aluminum tube, yellow cake information to justify invading Iraq. He said that the State Department said the information was wrong and the CIA said it was correct and that should have been enough to raise a question. Apparently Mr. Anderson was starting to make a point because the (insert name of unmentionable network here) cut him off in mid sentence.
It never ceases to amaze me what the politicans and news media can come up with in this country to distract the population from the real questions at hand. I am relatively certain that Bill Clinton was guilty of numerous impeachable offences and yet the dumbass Republicans choose to go after him for getting a hummer from a intern. Bush has raped the constitution and the bill of rights and Wolf Blitzer has the cajones to ask the mayor of Salt Lake City what he thinks the president has done that could justify impeaching him.
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