Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Law

As I have said before, the idea of a "law abiding citizen" in today's United States is a myth. Our legal system, our laws, bureaucratic regulations, etc. have become so complex ,and even contradictory in some cases, that it is virtually impossible to be completely law abiding. However, even though it is impossible to obey the laws of the land, no one is above the law. No one, including the President of the United States, can place his or her self above the laws of the land. If a law is bad, and many of them are, they need to be amended or repealed, but so long as they are on the books, they are the law. For the President to say that he does not have to obey the law because he is acting for the greater good of the American people just doesn't cut it. His number one job as head of the executive branch of government is to uphold the laws. If he does not understand that, he does not deserve to have the job of President.

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