Monday, March 19, 2007

This Kid Pissed Off Everybody

But his

case has made it to the Supreme Court. Obviously the liberals are mad because he used the name of Jesus and the conservatives are mad because he made a reference to smoking marijuana. We'll see what the Supreme Court has to say about it sometime between now and the end of June.

The truth of the matter is that in this country now days, the majority of people are not in favor of free speech. What they are in favor of is the right of people to speak freely about the things that they, the listener, think is proper. Since the country is pretty well divided between folks who think of themselves as liberals and folks who think of themselves as conservatives, no one is free to say what they think without offending someone.

We will only have free speech when anyone is free to say what ever they want and the people who object to what they are saying have the right to not listen.

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