Friday, March 16, 2007

Our Tax Dollars At Work


All of this because some idiot in the government says that having everyone show a passport is going to cut down on terrorist entering the country. What about all those illegals coming across the Rio Grande? Are they showing a passport? If you were a terrorist would needing a passport stop you? You would probably either (A) come across the Rio Grande without a passport, (B) Buy an excellent forgery, which for a price is probably available in days not weeks, or (C) get some pickpocket in London to sell you a legit one from a tourist that matches your description.

Of course, the jackasses that came up with this know all that. Again its not about safety, or terrorism. Its about control. Back when they were called public servants, it was "we are from the government and we are here to help." Now it is "we are agents of the government. Do as we say or you can expect to spend years in prison."

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