We Americans are either the most optomistic bunch of people in the history of the world or the biggest idiots. How else can you explain the results of this CBS News Poll?
Actually I am not referring so much to the poll itself as I am the statement in the last paragraph. That being "Most Americans believe government can play a role in fixing the health care system." Why would they think that the government could fix anything? This is like a man who starts new businesses for a living. Everytime he starts one and gets it running, he turns it over to his idiot cousin who immediately ruins it. Government is that idiot cousin. Everything they try to run gets screwed up.
Now I admit that we have some health care and insurance issues in this country, but who in their right mind would think that the government could straighten it out. If the whole truth was known, government meddling is the primary cause of most of the health care problems we have today. Back when the late Harry Browne was running for President, he said that the figures indicate that elderly Americans spent a smaller percentage of their overall income for healthcare before Medicare was started, and had better care. I did not take the time to check the figures for myself but I believe that Harry Browne was an honest man and I think that he spoke the truth.
Based on what I know, if we expect the government to cure our healthcare problems, we have to be optomists or idiots, you can decide for yourself which we are.
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