Saturday, January 27, 2007

Too Many Gates

Ok, one of them has got to go. I keep reading these headlines like: Gates says more troops needed in Iraq, and I think, what does Bill Gates and Microsoft have to do with Iraq. Then I remember that the new Secretary of Defense is Robert Gates. That is ok for awhile until I forget again. Just a few minutes ago I saw where Gates says Internet will change TV. Immediately I wondered, what is the Secretary of Defense doing talking about TV and the Internet. One of these Gates is gonna have to give it up and drop out of the public spotlight, or maybe the news reports could do like the Atlanta Braves do with Chipper and Andrew, put their first initial on their jersey. Yeah. That would work. B.Gates talks about the Internet and R.Gates tells us about the armed forces.

Now if someone would just do something about Conde Nast and Condi Rice.

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