Monday, January 22, 2007


The other day Linda and I got to talking about the holidays. The holidays are actually kind of a Reader's Digest version of life. They contain joy, sadness, aggravation and exhilaration, just like real life, only packed into a shorter period of time. Seems like this year there was a whole lot more of the first one and the last one and not so much of the two in the middle. Anyway our discussion got around to Hallothankmas, the holiday that starts on the day after Labor Day and Ends with the Super Bowl. Somehow something just did not seem right about that. Maybe it was because the holidays had been nicer this year, or maybe neither one of us thought that NFL football provided an appropriate climax. I remembered some suggestions that my niece Katherine had once made about alternate endings to the Hallothankmas holiday. After some deliberation and minimal soul searching, Linda and I decided that the Hallothankmas season should hince forth be extended until Easter Sunday and renamed Hallothankmaster. Not to be confused with the Stairmaster or the Thighmaster which have similar names. It's Hallo-thankmas-ter, not Hallo-thank-master.

I know some of you are already jumping ahead and saying why not go ahead and extend it to the day before memorial day and name it NotSummer. That does have a certain elegant directness to it, but some how just does not seem festive enough for the extended holiday season, so for now, it is Hallothankmaster.

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