Sunday, January 14, 2007

Attention to Detail

A few days ago I blogged about people signing up for things and giving the wrong email address. Since then I have run into a instance that really confounds me. A gentleman in Texas has gone onto three websites and posted his resume in search of a job. When he registered on the sites, he gave them my email address instead of his own. Granted, our email addresses are very similar, only one character difference, but... How does he expect anyone to contact him?

Another thing that bugs me is people who have old dates on their computer. This morning my online inbox showed 6 unread messages, 5 were in plain site. I had to go back to 2004 messages to find the 6th. I know, if I did not leave so many messages in my inbox, that would not be a problem, but I do and it is. Not as much of a problem as the guy having all of his prospective employers contact me, but still aggravating.

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