Saturday, January 27, 2007

Petition On Iran

I think it is probably time to stop worrying about Iraq and start worrying about Iran. It appears to me that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are laying the ground work to attack Iran. Now I know that Iran has one dumb SOB for a president, but I believe that the Iranians will throw Ahmadinejad out in due time. In the mean time, the last thing America needs is another war in the middle east.

I have found a website that contains the following petition:

To: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
cc: Chairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House Committee on International Relations

We, the undersigned, vehemently oppose any U.S. military action against Iran. Such military action would inevitably kill large numbers of innocent people, foster even more hatred and international condemnation of the U.S., and dramatically increase the instability of the region. Our own intelligence agencies have concluded the Iraq war has worsened the terrorist threat, and a war against Iran would add immeasurably more fuel to the fire.

Even if Iran decided to build a nuclear weapon, experts agree that it would take several years. There is no crisis, and our government should not create one with inflammatory rhetoric or military threats. The U.S. has both the time and obligation to work with the international community to fashion a diplomatic resolution to the situation, and the current refusal of U.S. officials to talk directly with Iranian officials cannot possibly help resolve the nuclear standoff, nor contribute to peace in Iraq and the Middle East.

Therefore, we urge you to take all steps necessary to reach a peaceful resolution to the current situation, including direct negotiations without pre-conditions. This is the only way to prevent yet another war, one that would be a calamity of truly global proportions.

If you feel as I do, that it would be a grave error for the USA to attack Iran, then I encourage you to go to this website and sign the petition. I have. In case you want to check, I am #33502 on 27-Jan-2007.

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