Monday, March 06, 2006

Old Letters

I am still sorting through the junk for my folk's house. Today I looked through a box of old letters. The earliest were from the early 1960's, the latest from after my father's death in 2002. Right now, I don't have time to read all of them but I did read several and it got me to thinking. Now that we have email, old letters don't sit in yellow envelopes in boxes in closets. They reside on hard disks in computers. Computers that are obsolete in 5 to 7 years and are replaced with newer computers with clean hard disks. I suspect that most of the old emails are lost with the old computers. I know that mine are. So while we have all those old letters from the last half of the twentieth century to remind us of how things were, most of today's emails will end up in a landfill somewhere on the corroding disk of an obsolete hard drive. Is that a problem, or an advantage? I'm not sure of the answer.

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