In this piece, Bill Bonner predicts it, but doesn't do a lot to describe it. A Google search seems to indicate that it is what happened to the German economy between the world wars.
I am certain that anyone over the age of 10 reading this has heard the classic story about the German economy during that time, but for those that have not, here it is:
A man in Berlin went to the bakers to buy a loaf of bread. The quantity of marks required to purchase the bread was so great that he had to carry them in a wheelbarrow. When he got to the bakers, the wheelbarrow was too wide to get through the shop door so he parked it on the sidewalk. He went into the store and bought his bread. When he returned to the sidewalk to get the marks to pay for the bread, someone had dumped the marks on the sidewalk and stolen his wheelbarrow.
The main thing to remember is, with apologies to an old Oldsmobile commercial, "This Ain't Your Daddy's Depression."
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