Monday, March 27, 2006

Las Uvas de la Ira

Recently I've been listening to some podcasts. I don't have an ipod or other mp3 player so I have been depending on desktop software for playing the podcasts. This past weekend I downloaded a podcast listener called Golden Ear. Its kind of neat, the screen looks like an old Bendix table model radio. The software comes with a list of podcasts. One of the podcasts listed was "Really Learn Spanish." It is done by a guy named Johan van Rooyen who at one time lived in Spain and taught English. I listened to his first podcast this weekend. He gives points on learning spanish that you would not normally find in a formal course. One of his suggestions was to start reading "blockbuster" novels in spanish. His argument seemed convincing to me. I googled 'blockbuster novel' and one of the first hits I got was Grapes of Wrath. Now I have read Grapes of Wrath in english and watched the movie a couple of times so I thought, why not let that be my first spanish book. I found "Las Uvas de la Ira" (Grapes of Wrath, in spanish) on Amazon and ordered a copy. This time next week I should be reading Las Uvas de la Ira.

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