Saturday, March 11, 2006

I Wonder When We Will Get Like This?

Here is the Blog I am referencing. The article is currently on top, but for later on when new entries are added, it is entitled "Cement Bag" and dated Tuesday 7th March 2006. You probably noticed that I said I wonder "when" will we get like this and not "if" we will get like this. I say that not to be overly pessimistic, but to reflect my lack of confidence in the people in postions of authority in this country. They are not as bad as President Mugabe yet, but give them time. By the way, at around 3:00 PM CT today (11 Mar 2006), $1 US equals $99,202 Zimbabwe dollars so the amount she gave the man was the approximate equavilent of 40 cents in US currency.

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