Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Although the author of this article uses the term libertarian to describe what he is talking about; I think what he is describing is actually Anarcho-Capitalism. It is a term that was first introduced to me by an article written by Brad Edmonds and published on http://www.lewrockwell.com.

If you do some searching on Lew's site you probably find more than one article about Anarcho-Capitalism. Also I recently listened to an archive recording of a segment of Karen Kwiatkowski's "American Forum" on [BAD LINK] http://www.rbnlive.com/ the Republic Broadcasting Network where Brad was the guest. He talks about Anarcho-Capitalism in that interview as well.

Its a very interesting concept and seems to hold more immediate hope for living a libertarian lifestyle in todays world. One final note, if you look at the very bottom of the first article I mentioned, you will notice that the author, Per Bylund, is the founder of Anarchism.net. Nuff said.

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