Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm Not A Homophobe

Before any of you read my last post and think I am a homophobe, let me assure you that I am not. As a libertarian, I really don't care, nor do I think it is any of my business, what consenting adults do sexually. I am for equal rights for everyone and that is an all inclusive everyone. What I don't like is this never ending process of identifying "minority groups" and setting them and their feelings above everyone else. Sure, I think it is insensitive and vulgar to make fun of someone else because of their race, or religion or sexual orientation, or anything else that makes them different. I also suspect that occasionally all of us have been insensitive and vulgar during our lifetime. If everyone does it, then how can you expect to police it? When I was growing up in Coosa County, we used to have an expression for someone who was being obnoxious. We told them "rave on catshit, someone will cover you up." Unless the thought police and PC police in California are willing to cover every pile, they should just back off and let school yard squabbles work themselves out. Sooner or later every pile will get covered.

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