I was once told that retailers estimate that for every customer that complains, there are thirty more that are unsatisfied, but don't complain, they just take their business somewhere else. That says alot about how people react to bad situations. I suspect that for every soldier that signs this petition there are thirty more that know this war is beyond hope, but will bite their tounge and keep on keeping on.
I don't blame them for not speaking up. They should not have to. That is our job as citizens. Its time that people get their head out of their ass and tell their congressman enough is enough. Hardly a week goes by that I don't write my congressman Spencer Bachus and tell him that we need to bring our men and women home. His office writes me back some of the "W" claptrap about staying the course, accomplishing the mission, etc. In the mean time, our troops are being blown up for hauling "school supplies and soccer balls and crayons and notebooks and coloring books."
If you really love your country and want to support the troops, write your Representative and tell him or her to get our men and women out of that Godforsaken shithole.
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