Monday, February 05, 2007

Goodwater and Rockford

I subscribe to the Coosa County News to make sure that I know what is going on in Coosa County. Since I am in Shelby County more than I am in Coosa, it helps me to keep up. A few days ago when I drove by the Eagle, a local convenience store in Rockford, I noticed that it had closed. In the January 26th issue of the Coosa County News, the managing editor of the paper had a editorial where she mentioned the closing of the Eagle. In that same paper, there was a article about the Wachovia Bank closing in Goodwater. Some of the folks in Rockford were upset about the Eagle's closing and many people in Goodwater were concerned about losing their only bank. I symphatize with both towns, but I don't think that either one of these closings portend a death knoll for these two communities. No, rather I think that the closings are just signs of a downturn in our economy. When the economy is booming, businesses expand. When things tighten up, businesses often feel the need to streamline or in some cases cease operation. Having lived through a few downturns, my observation is that This Too Shall Pass .

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