Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Just Say No

I read this article by Charley Reese today and was reminded of the Reagan era slogan, "Just Say No". Back then they were talking about drugs. Today I was thinking about incumbents. I know that there are a few public officials that have done a few things right, but most of them have to be screwing up for things to be as bad as they are right now. At least if we vote everyone of them out of office, it will take the new guys a few weeks, possibly months, to become as corrupt and jaded as the current bunch. I still have not made up my mind to vote in November. After all, if you go to a whore house and pick the best looking whore you are still fostering prostitution. But if I do decide to hold my nose in November and vote, I pledge right now to not vote for a single incumbent.

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