Thursday, April 20, 2006

What If?

Back in the early sixties, President John Kennedy sent this country on a path to reach the moon by the end of the decade. It took a lot of work and money, but we made it. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if W had decided early on in his presidency that by the end of the decade, we were gonna have fusion reactors. You know about fusion, it is the clean nuclear reaction. Like what the sun does. Little or no messy waste. Instead of spending billions of dollars and thousands of lives slogging around in the middle east what if all that money and effort had been spent on developing a practical fusion reactor? Cheap electricity with no nuclear waste, no acid rain, no coal trains. Could we do it? Can we do it? Probably not. The United States is not the same country it was in the early sixties. Too many lawyers, lobbyists and radical "environmentalists." Still it is nice to think about what could have been.

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