Saturday, April 01, 2006

More Gardening

It is kind of overcast today and has sprinkled rain so it seemed to me to be a good time to add to my garden. I had some potatoes in the pantry that were beginning to sprout. I wanted to fix hash browns for breakfast so instead of just peeling the potatoes, I cut off the sections of three that had sprouts. That left me enough potato to have my hash browns but left the little spouts with something to get them going. I planted them in the garden. Next I got down a little plastic bag that had some Indian corn in it. This is some that was off of a dried arrangement that my daughter had. It is a couple of years old so I don't know how it is gonna do, but I put two kernels in each hill. Finally I took some of the little pods of pepper off last years pepper plants and planted them in six little pots. If they do well, I will transplant them into the garden later on. I've already got the wire cages set for my tomatoes but I am going to wait until Good Friday to set them out.

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