Sunday, December 31, 2006

Why Now?

What if you lived in a neighborhood and a couple of blocks down the street from your house there was a funeral home. A block or so further down the street there was a well-known crack house that had been in operation for months. Everyone knew it was there, the police had been watching it and had been gathering up evidence to shut it down. Now suppose that your dad had just passed away and you and your family and friends were at that funeral home mourning your fathers passing. Finally suppose that during the memorial service for your father, the local police descended on the crack house with a couple of dozen police cars, a helicopter and a swat team. Would you ask yourself, "Why now?" Could this not wait a couple of days until my father was buried? After all the crack house wasn't going away. Why create all that commotion and distraction while you and your loved ones were trying to mourn? If that is the way you would feel, you know how the family and friends of the late President Gerald Ford must feel.

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