Saturday, December 16, 2006

Thrift Thrumped Temperance

My niece is getting married next spring. I was talking to my sister about that today and the discussion got me to thinking about my daughter’s wedding. Several weeks before the wedding I was on the phone with my mom and she was asking me how the wedding planning was going. What she really wanted to know was if I was gonna have to go bankrupt after paying for the wedding, but she would not come right out and ask. Instead she said things like, ‘ I hope that y’all don’t have to go in debt for this wedding.’ I assured her that I had the money to pay for it without borrowing anything. In the process of trying to assure her that everything was working out fine, I mentioned that my 'son-in-law-to-be' had arranged through the people he worked with to get the wine and champagne for me wholesale. My mom said, “they tell me that is a bad idea.” “Buying wine wholesale?” I quizzed. “No, serving alcohol at a wedding reception.” I told her that by serving alcohol the amount of food that was figured per guest was considerably less and that it was gonna save me quite a bit of money.” There was a moment’s hesitation and then she said, “Well all I can tell you then is to just get them liquored up." My mom was always a teetotaler and was hard on drinking of any kind of alcohol, but when it came to saving money, thrift trumped temperance.

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