Thursday, December 14, 2006

Baby Aspirin - The Wonder Drug

Back several months ago, my sister told me that she had started taking a baby aspirin a day for her heart. As an added benefit, she said that the recurrent nagging ache between her shoulder blades that had bothered her for years had disappeared. I keep a bottle of baby asprin in my truck and take one daily, if I remember it.

This week I took my schnauzer, Corky Doe Taylor Miller Miller, to the vet for his semi annual visit. Actually I should say for his semi annual scheduled visit. This year he has managed to have more like a dozen visits instead of two, but that is a story for another time. The vet gave Corky a couple of shots and asked me how he was doing. I told him that Corky was fine, but that sometimes in the morning when he first got up, he carried his right back leg for a while. The diagnosis was that Corky had some arthritis in both his hips, the right being the worse. The vet asked me if I took baby aspirin for my heart, I told him I did. He said when I took mine daily, to give Corky one. That was Tuesday, today is Thursday and I can already notice a difference. Corky is getting around much better. Not as stiff and tentative with his movements.

To me, baby aspirin is truly a wonder drug. The irony in all this is that now you can't give baby aspirin to babies due to the danger of Reye's Syndrome. Maybe they should change the name to oldster's aspirin.

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