Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How to Handle the Lobbyist Problem

The Abramoff scandal has focused the nations attention on the problem of lobbyist running all over Washington, spreading money around and getting legislation and loopholes that favor their particular special interest group. Senator John McCain and others want to come up with new legislation that will supposedly correct this problem. Good luck to them, but I have an alternate solution. Federal deregulation. That's right, eliminate federal regulations on most everything and turn law making back to the states. That way these lobbyist will have to cover 50 state legislatures instead of one congress and 50 governers offices instead of one White House. What money they have to spend will be split 50 different ways and probably won't do as much damage. Much of their time will be spent travelling instead of greasing politicians. I know; it sounds to simple to work, but often times the simplest solution is the best.

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