Saturday, February 25, 2006

Brad Edmonds Tells It Like It Is

In his article, 'Government Makes Things Worse' , Brad Edmonds tells it like it is. Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of Americans do not understand what Brad is saying. When Harry Browne was running for president in 2000, he asked people to name their favorite government program. I saw a video of him asking people and virtually none of them could name one government program that they liked. I know that the tape was edited and while Harry admitted as much, he insisted that the tapes content was representative of what he found everywhere he went. Think of it, the government takes around one half of every dollar you make, when the total up all the different taxes and fees, and they can't come up with even one program that people can say is their favorite or even one that people like. Maybe you are different, maybe you have a favorite government program. If you do, I would certainly like to hear about it.

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