Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have never been to Iraq. I have never lost anything there so I have no need to go hunt anything there. Is Iraq important to you? Do you have a vested interest in something over there? Is your interest worth fighting for? Ok. If it is, I say that we should give you an M-16 and let you go over there and have at it. In fact I am in favor of equipping anyone who wants to fight in Iraq and letting them have at it.

On the other hand, I am in favor of bringing home all our men and women who are over there not because they have a dog in this race, but just because some asshole politician says we are there and we can't leave.

Like Big Daddy in 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof', I say 'Carp.' We can leave right now. What will happen? Some say that the country will plunge into a civil war. To them I say "Wake up , it is already in a civil war." All we as a nation do by keeping our military in Iraq is to entend the fighting and lose precious young American lives in the process.

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