Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Sick Parody of A Real Country

I know that there is a lot of good left in this country, in spite of what you see on reality tv and read in the papers and in the online press. I do my best to avoid all that crap and to keep a positive outlook, but then something like this pops up and I just throw up my hands and say enough.

In case the link is broken when you read this, it points to a story on The bottom line is that a mother in a "small Arkansas town" could not get her 10 year old daughter to take a shower so she called the cops. The cop tried to get the girl to settle down and she kicked the cop in the nuts so he tasered her. The whole story is soooo wrong on soooo many levels that I feel dirty just repeating it. (1) What kind of mother can't make a 10 year old kid take a shower? (2) What kind of dumbass calls the cops to make a kid take a shower? (3) What kind of cop can't control a 10 year old girl without tasering her? I hope that we find out later on that this is some kind of sick ass hoax. If not, and if this kind of stuff is going on, we have devolved into a sick parody of a real country.

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