Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mrs. Head's English Class

When I was in high school, we had an English teacher named Mrs Head. Her husband was my eighth grade math teacher and later on the High School Principal. They were great folks.

Earlier today I read this article on about a screw up the Texas Legislature made back in 2005. Seems that in an effort to make gay marriages illegal, they enacted a law that contained the following wording: "This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage."

If the Legislators in Texas had been in Mrs Head's English class, they would have realized that dog won't hunt. Every one has their pet peeves and Mrs Head's was statements that said things like "There is no Candy Bar like a Milky Way." When she heard something like that she would say, NO! There is no OTHER candy bar like a Milky way. To say that there is no candy bar like a Milky Way means that a Milky Way is not a candy bar, if it was, then there would be a candy bar like a Milky Way. Since marriage is a legal status that is identical to marriage, the ole boys in Texas done outlawed marriage, which come to think of it might be a problem solver in itself.

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