Monday, November 02, 2009

Everything Nice Stove

I follow Greentrust on twitter and the other day he had a link to a video in one of his tweets. I watched the video demo of the Lucia Stove and was impressed. I went to's site and quickly saw that the Lucia Stove, even a back pack model, was rather pricely but they had free plans for what they called an EverythingNice stove.

I looked at the plans and decided that it was something I could do. It took me a couple of days to find the right cans and to fit them together but late last week, I had my version of the Everything Nice ready to try. It is not as impressive as the Lucia, but it works very well and cost virtually nothing to make. I used cans I had on hand and my only expense was for a 1/2 counter sink and a 3 inch hole saw to help me in the construction. The stove I made is about 7 1/2 inches tall and approximately 6 3/8 inches in diameter.

This past weekend, I did some experimenting with various fuels that I had available. I was very pleased with how the stove worked. My best results to date has been with the inner can filled to the fill line with shredded papers soaked in about 1/2 cup of used cooking oil. This resulted in a 42 minute burn. The burn was virtually free of visible smoke.

I crafted a ring to allow me to put a pot on top of the stove without extinguishing the fire and this morning I made my first pot of coffee on the stove. It worked great. I think that this Everything Nice stove is going to prove to be an excellent camping companion.

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