Saturday, October 06, 2007

Blog Keeping

Kind of like house keeping, but in your blog instead of your house. OK, tonight it came to me that I had a lot of links in many of my blog posts. After all that is one of the great advantages of the internet, right? You find something that interests you, you think it might interest the friends and family (one of each) that frequent (make semi-annual visits to) your blog. So you link to it, but links expire so every so often you verify the links. Being a good cybercitizen, I decided to go back tonight and check all my links to make sure they were still valid. A lot of them were not good. In fact so many so that I did not take time to try to find the old info in a new place, I just marked the bad links and will go back later and fix what I can.

It is obvious to me that some of the old postings will have to be removed as I put very little info in the post, just a link to a now nonexistent article. The worst offender is Yahoo news, apparently they only leave their info up for a few days. I found one link from last month that had already expired. In the future if I find something of interest on Yahoo, I will paraphrase, not link. Kinda takes away the main advantage of the internet doesn't it?

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