This old world has been around for awhile. Even if you are one of those folks who believes that every minute of time since the world began is accounted for in the bible, that is still a long time. I'm not an accomplished student of history or of human nature but I've read enough to realize that ever since the world began, there has always been some one that wanted to tell other people what they should or should not do. I suspect it will always be that way.
In our age, most of those types have managed to get themselves into government. Now there are a lot of them so it takes a lot of government to provide enough places for them. They generally fall into two categories, aggressive or passive aggressive. The aggressive ones get into law enforcement and the military. The passive aggressive ones get elected to county commissions, school boards, zoning boards, state legislatures, congress, etc. All of these passive aggressive types are constantly making new rules. A lot of average people have come to believe all these new rules are some how necessary for us to run the world. They are not.
For example, mother nature took care of things quite nicely before the EPA or ADEM were in existence. A lot of folks will tell you that mother nature worked in the past because we did not have all these man made toxins, radioactivity and the like. Well, I read recently that a new kind of algae or fungus has sprung up in the Chernobyl ruins and that it is eating away at the radioactive waste and should mitigate it's effects sooner than anyone could have predicted. No agency of the former Soviet Union is responsible for that, just mother nature.
Yes, this old earth can pretty well take care of itself. I believe that God designed it that way but if you prefer to think it evolved, no problem, the results at Chernobyl are just some more of that nifty evolution. Either way, things work out.
So, if all these rules and regulations are not necessary to hold terra firma together then what are they for? They are for all these 'bosses' to get off on. The passive aggressive types make and enforce rules for the same reason that dogs mate. It feels good to them. They are biologically driven to it. No dog is thinking of making puppies to further the species when it mates, it just does it cause it likes it. Same with rule makers. The next time the town council of your home town has an open meeting where they are gonna debate and vote on some proposed ordinance, go and watch the process. When you leave, ask yourself if what you saw there reminded you more of what happened in the first two chapters of Genesis or of what you saw those two antelope doing on Animal Planet last week.
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