Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Y2K Was Worse Than Anyone Realized

You all remember the run up to the year 2000. All the talk of computer melt downs and social collapse. Millions of dollars were spent to avert catastrophe. After it was all over, everyone thought we had escaped the bullet. Now looking back on it, I realize that Y2K was as bad as everyone expected, just not what everyone expected. Everyone thought that the problems with computers would be our downfall. Really our downfall was in the election that year. I now realize that the two major political parties ran two of the stupidest jerks in the United States. One of those bozos was gonna win, and each of them spelled disaster. It was a lose / lose situation.

Years from now, history books will record that many people predicted that Y2K would mark our downfall, but no one realized at the time what form that downfall would take.

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