Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ubuntu 7.04

I have been tinkering around with Linux for the last couple of years. I've downloaded at least 1/2 dozen different versions. Installed one or two on old computers and run several others from LiveCDs. Last week I downloaded the lastest version of Ubuntu. It is version 7.04 nicknamed Fiesty Fawn. I installed in on an old Dell Latitude laptop that is permanantly tied to a docking station because of a malfunctioning power port. So far most everything I've tried has worked well. I did have a problem getting the USB wireless adapter to work, but I think that may be more the fault of the adapter rather than the software.

Inital install and setup was a snap. It found the other computers on my network with no problem. Installation of my shared HP printer was also straight forward. OpenOffice has worked fine on the documents and spreadsheets that I have thrown at it so far. I was able to update all the included software and even install one of my favorites, streamtuner, that was not included in the original install.

All and all, I give it two thumbs up. If you are interested in doing some Linux dabbling, I say try Ubuntu 7.04

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