Friday, April 13, 2007

TV News , Current Events and Censorship

I don't watch the TV news. All they talk about are sad stories. I like a little good news thrown into the mix; therefore I get most of my current event information from the web. Lately, I have been seeing a lot about Don Imus. He, as my daddy would have said, appears to have let his catfish mouth overload his tadpole ass. Before that it was Michael Richards. Before that we had the Janet Jackson debacle. Now we find out that the Duke Rape case was all due to a black female stripper telling a lie. I've studied these things and have noticed that they all happened during or immediately after a live performance. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that we have to immediately ban white men and black women from giving live performances. They can still perform; it just has to be recorded so it can be censored before submission to the public. Think about it. If Imus had been on tape, his comment of nappy headed ho's could have been bleep headed bleep. No problem there. Anyone who has ever watched Seinfeld knows that Michael Richards is a peach on tape, just not ready for a live audience. If Janet’s half time performance had been on tape, they could have just pixelated over the nipple and all would have been well, and if the Duke boys had been watching a porn video instead of a live stripper, no one would have ever listened to the stripper’s story. As for white women and black men, they seem to be immune from this insanity so I say let them continue to perform in real time, at least for the time being.

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