Tuesday, April 03, 2007

High Speed Rail In Our Future?

Earlier this week I read an article about the increasing problems the airlines are having with lost baggage and not being able to meet schedules. This morning I read where the French have set a new land speed record of 354 mph for conventional rail. These two things have gotten me to thinking. Is high-speed rail the transportation system of our future? Probably not by itself, but how about in the heavily populated corridors? Traveling at 354 mph, a train could go from Atlanta to New York City in around 3 hours. With the existing airline security delays and having to travel to and from airports, 3 hours does not look that bad. There is already talk about a high-speed train from Sacramento to San Diego via San Francisco and LA. Who knows one of these days we may be back using trains like our fathers and grandfathers did.

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