Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I retired several years ago. The company I worked for was pretty good as companies go. As with all jobs, there were some good times and some bad. In the six years since my retirement, a lot has happened but even now, when I dream, especially if it is a nightmare, I dream about the place where I worked. Many times in my nightmares, I do not recognize the faces. Sometime I won't recognize the locale, but always, I know I am at work. If I forget, someone in the dream will remind me. I don't think this is coincidence. I think I have something I call PTJD, post-traumatic job disorder. It is similar to PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, just not as severe. I might just as well call it post job disorder as post-traumatic job disorder. After all, by their nature, most jobs are pretty traumatic. I've met people who said they loved their work, most of them were self-employed. Quite a few of the others appeared to me to be delusional. I once worked with a guy who went around all the time saying, "I love my job, I love my wife." I know he was kidding about the job, he may have been serious about his wife. I don't seek out treatment for this aliment; I have others like my inherited OCD and allergies that deserve more attention. After all, you have to dream and occasionally one is gonna be a nightmare. At least I have not waked up screaming and sweating... yet.

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