Monday, March 29, 2010

There is so much wrong and ....

Back when I was younger, I used to hear older folks (people who were younger then than I am now) talking about how bad it had gotten and they just didn't know what was gonna become of all of us. I always promised myself that I would not ever get like that and I've tried my damnest to follow through on that promise.

I've always said "there is so much wrong and we are gonna have to do a lot to straighten it out." At least that is what I have said up until today. Then I read this news article." In case the link is dead when you read this, the article is about a 11 year old girl that was arrested by Okaloosa County Sheriff’s deputies for domestic battery. What did she do? She threw a plastic pistol at her father because he put her in time out. The plastic pistol cut his scalp. This is so wrong on so many levels that I am not gonna even start addressing all of them. You can figure it out for yourself. But this incident is the straw that broke the camels back. From now on, I am gonna say, there is so much wrong and there is no way in hell we are gonna straighten it out. As the mogambo guru is always saying, "We are freakin doomed."

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