Monday, March 29, 2010

I lied

In my previous post I said that I was not gonna address the Okaloosa County Florida Sheriff's deputies arresting a 11 year old girl for throwing a plastic pistol at her father. I lied. I just can't let this go. I am gonna stay away for the obvious question of how in the hell did they find out about it. We all know that a lot of folks in this country should not have kids in the first place, but stupid people do procreate. Nope, I am not gonna get into that. What I am gonna say is that if Okaloosa County Florida has enough deputies on the force that they have time to go out and arrest 11 year old girls for throwing toy pistols, maybe they should look at their law enforcement budget. All I hear lately from bureaucrats and politicians all over the country is how they don't have enough money and they are going to have to figure out a way to raise fees or taxes and increase their revenue so they don't have to cut back services. Seems to me that arresting 11 year old girls for throwing toy guns is a service that folks could do without at least until times got better. I wonder how many other public "services" could be scaled back in these tight times.

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