Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have been using Firefox almost exclusively for quite some time. Occasionally I will use IE but not very often. I had read some interesting things about Chrome but was unable to try it as it requires at least Win XP and my main computer was still running W2K. All that changed a few weeks ago. Lightning took out my W2K box along with the old Dell Optiplex that was running Ubuntu and an emachine that I used for software testing.

I used my Dell laptop docked for awhile and then I came upon a nice Dell GX280 on ebay at a great price. It came with Win XP installed. After getting it set up with the things I needed, I added Chrome. Chrome is fast and according to the Windows Task Manager is relatively light on memory usage. Granted, I have only been using it for a couple of day but so far I think it is the best browser I have seen. I can't wait for them to come out with the Linux version so I can try it on my eeePC 900.

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