Wednesday, July 08, 2009

That Good Inshowance

Backed when I worked for the local electric utility company we had a president that used to like to tell us about what good inshowance we had. He was a highly intelligent man but he talked a lot like I do and he never said insurance, he called it inshowance.

I have never been a big fan of insurance. When he would mention our good inshowance, I would aways wonder to myself, is it really as good as he thinks it is? That is a question that has troubled me all my life. Every time I review my expenditures and see how much I am paying for the various types of insurance I ask myself, am I getting my money's worth? If I ever have a claim will they actually pay off? This morning I read this article. After I finished it, I thought to myself, just how good is my insurance? I suspect that I am better off not knowing the answer.

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