Thursday, February 28, 2008


It used to be that you would see articles that talked about WASPs (white anglo saxon protestants). I have not seen that term mentioned lately but I suspect it is still in use out there somewhere. I may have, in time, identified with that group, since my ancestors were white and protestant. However, as I have gotten older, I have come to realize that I'm no WASP and my ancestors weren't either. My ancestors were, for the most part, PSWSIP (poor southern white scots irish protestants). To the average layman, the difference may not be apparent, but to some of us, WASPs and PSWSIPs are as different as night and day. To fully understand PSWSIPs, you need to learn about our history. Senator Jim Webb of Virginia has written what I think is a great book, "Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America", that gives tremendous insight into what makes PSWSIPs tick. Of course, he dosen't mention PSWSIPs directly as he is talking about the Scots Irish in general. Still understanding the Scots Irish will give you a great start on understanding the PSWSIPs.

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