Friday, February 22, 2008

I Don't Want It, Here You Take It.

Well, I think I have finally figured this 2008 presidential election out. Both of the major political parties know that the country is screwed up. They know because they are the ones that did it. They also see the handwriting on the wall; the excrement is about to hit the fan. Neither party wants to be in control when that happens. Right now the Republicans are winning the race to loose the presidency. While Clinton and Obama are neither one bargains and I would not hire either one of them to run the downstairs apartment of an outdoor toilet, either of them could no doubt beat John McCain. Face it, only 19% of the American public approve of the way that "W" is doing his job and McCain has been described as Bush on steroids. McCain would be lucky to get that 19% to vote for him. Yeah, the Republicans are winning at losing. With a Democratic controlled congress and a Democrat president, they will be able to sit on the side lines and piss and moan about how much better things would be if they were in control. The American public, whose attention span seems to be about as long as my chewed off finger nails, will no doubt agree with them.

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