Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Now that I have a grandson, I have been thinking more of what kind of world he is gonna grow up in. I think that if current trends continue, he can expect that the government will not allow him to get his driver's license until he is 21. He won't be allowed to legally consume alcohol before he is 25, but he will face 6 years of mandatory military service at age 14. I know that a lot of you think I am kidding, that my tounge is in my cheek, but think about it. Is that not the path that we are currently on. Others of you may say that such things are silly. Well you can take it from me that most of what we are experiencing right now would have be considered quite silly by my parents generation and reason for open rebellion by my grandparent's generation. No, it is not as crazy as you might think. We are all frogs and the government is slowly turning up the heat. When TSA agents can confiscate toothpaste as a potential bomb threat, the other things I mentioned don't really seem that far fetched.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bye Bye Verizon, Hello T-Mobile

Time to change cellular phone carriers. Overall, I have been pretty happy with Verizon Wireless, but T-Mobile has a better deal for the same money I am spending now. Also T-Mobile is GSM, so if I drop my phone and crack the screen, like I recently did with my Verizon phone, I can just remove the SIM card and put it in a new phone. I already have a couple of spares that I picked up at garage sales for next to nothing.

I made the swap from Verizon to T-Mobile on line and was happy with everything, except they did not transfer my old number like the web page indicated they would. I talked to customer service and they took care of it while I was talking to them on the phone. But a word to the wise, if you transfer to T-Mobile online and your old number does not get transferred right away, give their customer service number a call. They are nice folks and they work fast.

An added benefit of getting T-Mobile for me is their unlimited mobile to mobile option. My sister and daughter both have T-Mobile so I can call their cell phones anytime without using any of my anytime minutes. The unlimited mobile to mobile option costs $5.99 per month but it seems like a bargain to me.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Whats Next?

I won't bore you with another recount of how bad the current administration is. If you want a reminder of that, read 'Not A Clue by Charley Reese.' Charley, as always, describes what is going on with the 'W' bunch much better than I could ever hope to.

No, I want to talk about what is next. What is gonna happen in 2008? To try to answer that, I have thought back on history as I know it. Harry Truman was president when I was born, but I don't remember him directly, only the stories I have heard. I do remember Eisenhower and all of the subsequent presidents. It seems to me that the overall trend in quality of presidents from Ike to now has been downhill. Seems like each one is worse than the last. If that trend contines, we can probably expect Hillary Clinton to be the next president. She is about the only living person that I can think of that would make a worse president than 'W'. Will the trend continue? I don't know. Can this nation survive a administration worse than the current one? I doubt it. Can this nation survive the current administration? Some times I doubt that as well.

If you live in the USA, its time you asked yourself, where are we headed as a nation. If you are happy with what you see and the direction you think we are taking, fine for you. As for me, I think that we need to alter directions and a good start to that would be to elect someone to the office of president in 2008 that is better, not worse, than 'W".

Friday, August 25, 2006

Binary Explosives, Really?

Be sure and read the bottom part of this article, it gives a description of what would have been required to pull off the binary explosive terrorist plot.