Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Its So Dry

Its so dry at my house. I said its so dry at my house. (How dry is it?) Its so dry at my house that the plastic wreath on my front door has started to shed its leaves.

Its been quite some time since I remember it being this dry. In fact, I may not actually remember it, I may just remember the stories that my folks used to tell.

Sometime in the early 50's, 1951 I think, it got really dry in Central Alabama. I remember my folks saying that the branch behind our house dried up. In fact several of the branches and creeks dried up. There was one little spring on some land that my folks owned down near Richville that continued to flow. I've not been down to the branch behind my folks house or to the spring near Richville yet to see if they are still flowing, but I do know that it is really dry up here in Shelby County.

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