I'm not talking about the one in Iraq, I'm talking about the one in Alabama, and Illinois and Texas and the other 47 states. I'm talking about the War on Drugs. I was talking to a guy from central Alabama this morning and he was telling me what a big problem crystal meth is in his county. Tonight I was talking to a lady from north Alabama and she said they are experiencing the same thing. When I was young, back in the 1960's, before the War On Drugs, some folks smoked pot, a lot of them drank beer and Boones Farm wine that they brought in from out of state and that was about it. I think it was in the early 1980's that this country declared a War On Drugs. I would be afraid to guess how many billions of dollars have been spent on this thing. So far, it has proven to be about as effective as alcohol prohibition was in the 1920's and 1930's. The chief effect has been to line the pockets of a lot of criminals.
Every time I bring this up, one of my friends will say something like, well, what would you have us do, just make the stuff legal and let everyone buy it. Well I've given it some thought and decided that is exactly what we need to do. Legalize drugs and then start a government program to encourage people to use drugs. If it is as successful at its stated goal as the War on Drugs has been at its goal, in 20 years time we will have virtually wiped out drug use in this country.
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