I've been sending emails to my congressperson, Spencer Baucus and my senators, Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby through the organization DownSizeDC for the last several months. Most of them have had to do with various things the current administration in Washington is doing in the name of fighting terror. In my humble opinion, they are mostly wasting money, trampling on the Bill of Rights and creating a lot of useless redtape. Today, I got two identical letters from Jeff Sessions office. Both of them were dated January 10, 2006. In them he basically told me what a good job he, the congress, and the president are doing fighting terror. For some reason it reminded me of a old joke I heard a long time ago.
Seems there was this guy standing on a street corner, waving a yellow polka dotted flag in the air. A policeman walked up to the guy and asked him what he was doing. Oh, I'm scaring away the elephants the guy said. The policeman said there are no elephants around here. The guy looked at the policeman and said works good don't it?
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