Thursday, December 15, 2005

No Fly Zone

Let me first say that I have never been a real big fan of flying. I have done it several times, mostly commercial, once or twice in a private plane. Since I really don't care for it that much, giving it up was really not a big sacrifice for me, kind of like giving up brussel sprouts. Since 9-11, the world has been a no fly zone for me. I don't fly. It's not so much that I am scared of being hijacked and killed. I really doubt that is very likely. The whole nature of terrorism is to stike where you are least expected. That makes most any other target more at risk than airplanes. No, It is that I don't want to suffer at the hands of the government thugs. Originally this entry linked to an online story. That link is now dead but you can do a search and find all the articles that you would care to read about abuse of air passengers since the war on terra began.

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