Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fire Ants

I think I wrote a while back about how this year has been different with the blueberries ripening at a later date than usual. Something else hit me yesterday that I really had not thought about until now. There are no fire ants in my yard this year. For the first time that I can recall, and I have lived here for about 32 years, there is not a single fire ant mound in my yard. That is very unusual. I have always been plagued with fire ants. One year I counted 120 mounds in just the mowed portion of my 2 acres. This year there are no mounds and as best I can determine, no fire ants either. This is not the result of anything I have done. I quit putting out fire ant poison several years ago since it did not appear to do any good. Maybe they are just taking a year off and resting underground but they certainly aren't running around my yard like they have in the past.

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