Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Census

I got my census form 2 or 3 weeks ago. I looked at it, decided it did not ask any questions that I had a problem answering and laid it aside. Why did I lay it aside. Because it said that they wanted to count where people were on April 1. Thats today. I had every intention of waiting until today to fill it out. Last week I got a little post card reminding me that they had not received my response yet and by law I had to submit my census form. Well, I had every intention of submitting it but I was gonna wait until today because that is when they said the count was for. I went ahead and filled it out when I got the little card and sent it in. Nothing has changed since I filled it out so the info they got is correct but why tell people you want to know what their status is on April 1 and then get upset because they are waiting until April 1 to respond. I've seen several media articles lamenting the poor response to the census. I suspect part of that is because people are following the instructions they were given. I hope the government is gonna run the new healthcare system better than they have this census but I doubt it.

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